
Why are Tulsi plant dying in winter (6 main reasons)

 Why are Tulsi plants dying in winter

Watch the video in detail on the tulsi plant:-

Care of the tulsi plant is very important in the winter season as it may die in the winter season if not given proper care.

Reason for tulsi plant dying in winter 

The tulsi plant is sun sun-loving plant and if we grow in winter then we have to take extra care of our tulsi plant otherwise tulsi plant will die in the winter season. So what to do?
The following points will solve your problem and will make your tulsi plant healthy.

  • Overwatering Tulsi plant
  • Fertilizer for the Tulsi plant
  • Sunlight for the Tulsi plant
  • Pot selection for the Tulsi plant
  • Growing Tulsi plant from seeds
  • Purchase Tulsi plant in the winter season

1) Overwatering Tulsi plant:

tulsi plant

The main problem in the winter season is over-watering the Tulsi plant as excess water will make a more soggy environment in the soil and will not allow tulsi plant roots to breathe, and also fungus will grow very fast and this causes damage to our tulsi plant. In the winter season tulsi plant require less water compared to the summer season as in the summer season water dry quickly and in the winter season, water remain in the soil for a longer period.

Solution: Try to give water a break i.e. after every few days or whenever the soil gets dry.

2) Fertilizer for the Tulsi plant:

Giving Fertilizer is very important after every 25-30 days in the tulsi plant soil mix, we always ignore fertilizer and this could be a reason for the tulsi plant dying in the winter season or any other season because of lack of fertility in the soil, try to maintain fertile soil and you will see Tulsi plant is growing very fast and bushy, 
The best fertilizer we can give is vermicompost or cow dung. Don't go for chemical fertilizer as it will harm the tulsi plant in the long run and also we can't consume tulsi leaves after giving chemical fertilizer.

tulsi plant

3) Sunlight for the Tulsi plant: 

The Tulsi plants will not grow if not given enough sunlight, leaves will not grow in proper shape and size, branches will turn black from the top and new immature leaves will grow black and will die before getting mature, also the Tulsi plant may get insect attack. The sunlight requirement is 3 to 5 hours in the summer season and 5 to 6 hours in the winter season.

For seedlings, the sunlight requirement is less as compared to mature tulsi plants. Tulsi plant seeds can be grown in any season, better to grow in the summer season. If we want to save the tulsi plant in the winter season then we have to give less water and try to keep the tulsi plant in sunlight. If you live in a flat where sunlight availability is much less than a minimum of 2 hours of sunlight and for next it must be kept in bright light.

4) Pot selection for the Tulsi plant:

tulsi plant

The bigger the pot better the Tulsi plant will grow, if you want a healthy Tulsi plant then you have to give it a big pot minimum size of 10-15 inches, Pot can be of any material i.e. plastic, cement, terracotta or clay, but all these pots have different water requirements, we only have to take care in giving water to different material pots and the tulsi plant will grow very fast and bushy.
In the above image tulsi plant is grown in a grow bag and the tulsi plant has attained a height of 2 feet and still growing so this is the best example of a tulsi plant grown in a big pot.

5) Growing Tulsi plant from seeds :

tulsi plant seeds

Growing Tulsi plant from seeds is not an easy process or it can be easy if you want to learn how to grow tulsi from seeds then watch this video

If you don't want to watch the video then let's continue.
Tulsi plant seedlings can be grown in all seasons but if given a temperature above 22 degrees then you will get 100% germination, Seedlings require more water compared to a mature tulsi plant so maintain water in the soil or else tulsi seedlings will not survive.
Seeds selection must be of only dry seeds and it can be identified by seeing the colour of the seeds it must be brown and not green, as only dry and mature seeds will grow not green ones.

6) Purchase Tulsi plant in the winter season:

Generally tulsi plants die in the winter season and it is very important to have at least one tulsi plant at home so one option is to grow from seeds or purchase one new tulsi plant, if we go for the second option i.e purchase the Tulsi plant then the following points must be taken into consideration:

1. New Tulsi plant height must not be more than 10 inches, as at this height we will get Tulsi plant seedlings and seedlings can be grown in any condition as they can bear reporting.
2. Soil mix must be loose enough so that the tulsi plant can grow more roots and water doesn't stay in the soil for longer.


A short conclusion for tulsi plant to save in the winter season is to keep tulsi plant in sunlight for a minimum of 4 to 6 hours and also to check the water in the soil before giving water always try to purchase small tulsi plant as it has less chance of dying and also try to give maximum size pot so that we can get healthy and bushy tulsi plant.